Monday, June 10, 2013

Six Months.. Half a Year....

 Six months today I donated my little kidney... I can't believe it has already been this long... At times it seems as though it was yesterday, at other times, it seems like it was years ago...
The common question from people is: "Do you feel any different?" I don't feel different physically.. but I feel good to know that I was able to give Someone their husband back.. Someone their dad back... Someone their son back.. Someone their brother back... Someone their Life back...And to see the accomplishments Milton has made...God is the reason all of this was possible.., " On Sunday the 9th, Milton had his installation to became a preacher. Sunday the 16th, I will sit in his church and listen to him spread the word of God. I am so grateful that God has allowed me and Milton to cross paths. God is GREAT!!!! 
Thank you to everyone that continues to read my blog and help to spread the word on the importance of Donating Life.

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