Today marks 3 months.... I can't believe it!!! Time has just passed through my hands like sand.. I'm feeling great! I had my check up blood work on Thurs., everything checked out great. These last three months have been such an amazing journey. I have been blessed to meet some amazing and generous people. Wednesday the 13th the owners of Aqua Express Car Wash(6922 N. May OKC) are donating the whole days sales to me. I am allowed to give them to whatever charity or cause I want. I chose Integris Foundation. At IF they listen to how you would like the funds distributed. I would like the money to benefit donors and recipients that can't afford the travel or time off of work... Maybe they can't afford the few medications that you have to get before or after the surgery.. I'm hoping the car wash will be a top day in sales for Aqua Express... I have been passing the word. I made flyers to pass around. Susan the transplant coordinator is also going to pass them around to the transplant center employees. I have also contacted LifeShare Oklahoma, they are giving me donor cards, brochures, and green bracelets to pass out. Justin at Integris has been a huge help also. It's sometimes overwhelming to think about all the lives that can be touched with simple gesture. God is Great!!!! Oh one of the girls that has signed up to be a living donor gets her first round of blood work on weds also. She has B blood type which is rare. She is going to be able to bless someone's life soon. She wants to plan to have her surgery after June. So amazing!!!
Thanks for reading and passing my blog around.. It has been viewed over 2500 times :-) .. God Bless!!!