Today was a big testing day.. I arrived way earlier than I was supposed to. But was taken right in to the lab..turned in my 24hr urine collection( which I mentioned earlier) they filled about 10 tubes of blood.. Ate a little food then met with the patient advocate..Oren, he was a nice man. He asked me tons of questions, as did the other two that I met with today, repeat questions. I was prepared for that. They want/need to make sure one understands the process and the steps of the process. Next up, Susan the transplant coordinator... Sounds like my domino may help 7 pairs... Isn't that awesome?!?! From my one little kidney , seven recipients will be able to possibly live a better healthier life! These pairs are from oklahoma city area, although Integris Baptist medical transplant center here in Okc deals with two other transplant centers closely... They are John Hopkins in Baltimore and united network of organ sharing.. So there is a possibility that the domino effect will be able to reach these centers as well...
Of course I'm sure everyone is wondering what kind of lifestyle one can live after donating a kidney. It's simple, a normal life style. After recovering I can continue my life as usual. One can do pretty much anything: birth a child, ski, play sports, work out.. I'm sure you get the picture.. A normal lifestyle.. There maybe a few restrictions, like limiting medications that are hard on your kidneys and sports that are high contact sports.
When you remove one kidney your other kidney begins to grow to compensate. The human body is just amazing! I found out they like to use the left kidney from donors. The left kidney has longer vessels attaching it to the blood supply. 95% of the cases are preformed laparoscopic 2-1/2inch incisions and one 3 inch incision around the belly button. This surgery would take 4&1/2 hours. The other 5% is preformed with a larger single incision, 5-6 inch scar that starts on the side at the bottom of the ribcage and follows the ribs towards the belly, taking 2&1/2 to 3 hrs. Doesn't sound to horrible, especially if it saves someone's(possibly 7 people) life!
Back to my day... Next up was Gayla she is the social worker. She asked all the questions and then some extra ones. She is referring me to the phycologist Ms. Wise. The "next step" Gayla explained the mental process after surgery. Some go through grieving, depression, fulfillment... Many emotions. I feel I am a pretty level person, I know one or all of these emotions are possible, so I will prepare to watch for signs. After finishing up with Gayla I went over to radiology. Signed in and waited for them to call my name. Ultrasound was first Chelsea preformed this test.. Quick and painless. She asked me a few questions, like if I was receiving or donating a kidney. After telling her that I was donating and I didn't know to whom it was going to, she said I an angel.. I don't see it as this, I'm just me.. Doing what I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember.. Up next, EKG, Tracy was very nice to me also. Then the chest X-ray with Zach, he was really awesome.. He let me take pictures of my X-rays and he took a few of me getting my X-rays.. All in all, a good virtually pain free day(yes,even the poke of the little needle)...
I have several pictures from today, most are sneaky pictures.. Hehe.. But hope you all enjoy. If you have any questions or comments,let me know!
Getting my Chest Xray |
My right Kidney... |
Transplanted kidney |
Left kidney |
Susan |
Oren |
My First Blood work Sept. 19th |
Gayla |
Hello Kidney |
Sept. 19th |