I can't even believe it has been a month already... Today I feel awesome!!! Since my surgery the pain has never been extreme... Hardest days have been day 2 and day 21(first day back to work) they were not unbearable, just a little rough.. My incisions didn't hurt till going back to work.. I think sitting in the chair for the majority of the day put a little too much pressure on my abdomen and my back. Since going back to work I tend to have dinner and lay down for the evening as soon as i get home.. It has helped with building up my strength level. The scar is looking amazing also!!! My eating is getting back to normal. LifeChurch has been amazing also... I received a phone call on monday that they wanted to provide a week of dinner for me.. it started today.. and man was it delicious.. spaghetti, brownies and dinner rolls.. what a blessing... I'm also trying to drink my 2 liters of fluids a day(sometimes it's hard)... Yesterday was a long day.. I drove to Tulsa for the Justin Bieber concert.. It was amazing!!! We actually got to meet and take a picture with him! Although, it was only for about 30 seconds... I was still able to talk to him about helping me raise awareness for being an organ donor.... Chelbi and I wrote JB a letter and in the letter I added my blog address... So I'm sending out some prayers that those letters will reach him...:-) He was such a sweet young man.. Made my long day worth it.. Today I still felt great just a little tired.. But overall I'm still feeling fabulous!!!
I really hope this blog is helping people that are curious about being a living donor and takes the scariness out of it. I said before that I would do it again in a heartbeat... And I am sticking to that... What a great process! Thank you all for reading my blog... If you have any questions or comments you can leave them here or find me on Facebook, Cynthia Hernandez Decker in Oklahoma City. Thanks again and God bless!!!