Sunday, December 9, 2012

8 hrs...

Only 8 hrs till I have to be at the hospital registration desk. I can't believe the time is finally here...something that I have always dreamed of doing.. :-)
I think I got all of my to do list completed and if not... Oh well.. They will get done later... No biggie.. I did manage to get things put together for recipient... :-)

My sister arrived Saturday early afternoon.. We had a good day.. Running around here and there... Was able to get a pedicure and bought me some Thunder Orange pants, love them!!!! Even spent some time with Ashlynn:-) This morning was a nice surprise.. Moma was here.. She drove all day and night. :-) we woke up Sunday morning and all headed to church.. Campus Pastor Brian said a few more prayers for everything.. What a great day!
Cheesecake Factory was my last real meal last night. I was allowed to have a small breakfast before going to a liquid diet and drinking that Mag citrate... I am used to drinking chocolate slim fast for breakfast. So that was my choice today. I have had water, beef broth, chicken broth, hot mint tea, and Gatorade today...not bad overall. Just miss the actual act of eating.... My belly feels pretty good now... I did feel really sick to my stomach once I finished the Mag Citrate.. But eventually that past. Now it's 9:24 and I am super tired.. Going to shower and scrub with the hibcleans soap and try to get a little sleep. I'll post as soon as I can. Thank you for reading and pass this blog around!!!
God bless you!!!


  1. I would like to say this is the best Blog God has ever let me lay my eyes on. I can't wait to meet you in person and express our 6 year old daughter and my sincere gratitude for God allowing you to share this gift of John Matthew (which the name is perfection) with us! Believe me this blog will be shared and pay it forward is one of my favorite movies. It is so comforting to know the type of person you are, God gone above and beyond in answering our prayers. We have so much to talk about, and I look forward to what I know will become one of the most beautiful relationships God may have allowed among His people. I'm so excited and was nearly in tears, there's so much I have to tell and say to you, but I'd rather do it in person. God Bless you, your daughters, family and friends :)
    -With the utmost respect and gratitude,
    Brittany Bowens (Milton Bowens,recipients, wife)

  2. Thank you, cynthia's mom. Cyn is really special person
