Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Going on Six Years!

This post is going to be short and sweet! 6909 views!!!! Yes!!! I can’t even believe it is almost six years. Milton and I are doing great. Health wise, we are both doing great. I did have a little procedure to remove a kidney stone, it was horrible. I think the worst part was the stent, that was placed after the removal of the stone. Once the it was removed things got much better. Kidney is healthy. We still haven't found out why it is producing the stones. Dr. Samara will monitor my kidney yearly. I also had knee surgery, still recovering from that. Life is good. Chelbi, my daughter that joined the military, is in Germany. I was able to visit her, it was amazing! Ashlynn (my oldest daughter) is doing ok, she struggles with an unknown autoimmune disease and at times she is in incredible pain. Praying doctors will find out what is going on. The grand babies are growing big and strong. I've remarried and have three boys now. Life is different with boys, I love it so much. Milton and Brittany's son is such a handsome boy and the girls are gorgeous. Everyone seems to be getting along just fine. I will post pictures of the family and some other events along the way. November 3rd I will be doing a walk for LifeShare Foundation. I am hoping to raise $5000. The company I work for will match that. I just want to live my life raising awareness Organ Donation and being the best version of me I can be. I think that is about all I have for now.  I will continue to add more, as I can. If you ever have any questions for me please feel free to email me, I would love to hear your story or answer your questions. Much Love Friends...

The most important this is to enjoy your life- to be happy- it's all that matters. ~Audrey Hepburn.